'If You Forget Me', takes the title of a Pablo Neruda poem that resonated with me at a timely point.

During the process of the UK leaving Europe, I was in the process of relocating from England to France.

I love the UK, my birth home, but was falling out of love with where it was headed. Neruda's poem, in my personal interpretation of it, seemed to perfectly encapsulate where I was in my relationship with my country.

Throughout this time I was constantly making photographs that were coloured by my fluctuating emotional state of being. This collection is curated visual response to those feelings.

A selection of the following photographs are available as NFTs here: foundation.app/collection/iyfm

"...Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little..."

~ Pablo Neruda, 1952




Black Eyed Dog